Freitag, Juni 16, 2006


Hallo zusammen!

Nun da Fendwick unsere Reihen ergänzt wäre es nach meiner, Llewellyn's Meinung an der Zeit eine Charta unserer Gruppe festzuschreiben.

Was meinen Don, Fendor, Fendwick und Marvin dazu?

Ich fasse mal zusammen was wir als Übereinkunft bisher haben:

Don, Fendor und Marvin begleiten Llewellyn, der den Auftrag von seinem Ordensvorgesetzten erhielt Banditen in der Gegend hier aufzuspüren und über die Lage zu berichten. Es wird angenommen das Llewellyn und seine drei Begleiter kleinerer Banditengruppen Herr werden können.

Ursprüngliche Annahmen:
  1. Die Sicherheitslage um das Dorf soll erkundet werden.
  2. Die Banditen werden ausgekundschaftet
  3. Nach Möglichkeit werden Banditen festgesetzt und der örtlichen Gerichtsbarkeit übergeben.
  4. Die Beute der Banditen wird, gegen einen ortsüblichen Finderlohn, den rechtmässigen Besitzern zurückgegeben.
    1. Anfallende Kosten tragen die Besitzer.
    2. Es findet kein Transport ins Dorf zurück statt, zumindest nicht ohne Bezahlung.
  1. Jeder hilft den anderen nach besten Kräften
  2. Im Zweifel entscheidet der jeweilige Experte
  3. Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Geld der Banditen werden einbehalten
    1. Das Geld wird wenn möglich zu gleichen Teilen geteilt
    2. Überzählige Münzen werden solange gesammelt bis ein Teilen möglich ist
    3. Gefundene Ausrüstungsgegenstände werden zur Verbesserung der eigenen Ausrüstung verwendet, dabei sollte derjenige einen Gegenstand erhalten, der auch den besten Gebrauch davon machen kann.
    4. Ungenutzte gefundene Gegenstände werden im Ort zu Geld gemacht
Es würde Sinn machen wenn wir jemanden bestimmen der uns in Kämpfen führt, ebenso wie die Bestimmung eines Stellvertreters.

Und die Gruppe braucht einen Namen!



Llewellyn's Gedanken zum taktischen Vorgehen der Gruppe.

Kleine Scharmützel ( ab 3 Gegnern aufwärts )

Was man tun sollte:
  • Gegner mit Fernwaffen dezimieren
    • vorzugsweise Magier, Fernkämpfer oder besonders gefährliche Gegner als Ziele aussuchen
    • Im Zweifel auf die dichteste Gruppierung schiessen
  • Gruppe zusammenhalten
    • Unsere Nahkämpfer sollten nicht weiter als 4 bis 5 Schritte voneinander entfernt sein.
    • Im direkten Nahkampf möglichst geschlossene Formation bilden
    • Schildlose wenn möglich in die 2-te Reihe
  • Flanken des Gegners angreifen
  • 2-er Teams bilden (für die Schlachtreihe)
    • Einer schwer gerüstet für vorne ( Don und Llewellyn )
    • Einer zum Zuschlagen aus der 2-ten Reihe (Fendor) bzw. zum flankieren (Marvin)
  • 2-er Team für das schnelle Vorrücken
    • die zwei schnellen (Marvin und Fendor)
    • die zwei langsamen (Don und Llewellyn)
Was man NICHT tun sollte:
  • Sich selber in eine Position manövrieren wo der Gegner einem in den Rücken oder die Flanke fallen könnte.
  • Sich durch Vernachlässigen der Verteidigung unnötig in Gefahr bringen
Einzelne strake Gegner (z.B. Oger, oder schlimmer, Ogerfresser!), alles was zwei Handbreit grösser ist als man selbst. Starke Gegner in Unterzahl.

Was man tun sollte:
  • Gegner mit Fernwaffen verwunden
    • ist der Gegner Magier oder guter Fernkämpfer dann aufschliessen
    • Im Zweifel auf den Körper zielen
    • Humanoide Gegner an schlecht geschützten Stellen treffen, wenn eine gute Erfolgsaussicht besteht ( also mehr als 1:1 sollte die Chance sein wenn man so etwas versucht )
  • Gruppe zusammenhalten
    • Unsere Nahkämpfer sollten nicht weiter als 4 bis 5 Schritte voneinander entfernt sein.
    • Im direkten Nahkampf möglichst geschlossene Formation bilden
    • Schildlose wenn möglich in die 2-te Reihe
    • Der Angegriffene (auf unserer Seite) sollte sich nur auf die Verteidigung konzertrieren, der Rest der Gruppe sollte das schon erledigen können.
  • Flanken des Gegners angreifen (schlecht geschützte, gut treffbare Körperteile)
  • lieber den Gegner leicht treffen aber ihn aus dem Kampf werfen als den Todesschlag zu versuchen
    • das mag zwar weniger Show sein, ist dafür aber effektiver
  • 2-er Teams bilden (für die Schlachtreihe)
    • Einer schwer gerüstet für vorne ( Don und Llewellyn )
    • Einer zum Zuschlagen aus der 2-ten Reihe (Fendor) bzw. zum flankieren (Marvin)
  • 2-er Team für das schnelle Vorrücken
    • die zwei schnellen (Marvin und Fendor)
    • die zwei langsamen (Don und Llewellyn)
Was man NICHT tun sollte:
  • Sich selber in eine Position manövrieren wo der Gegner einem in den Rücken oder die Flanke fallen könnte.
  • Sich durch Vernachlässigen der Verteidigung unnötig in Gefahr bringen. *hüstel* *hüstel* Stimmst Du mir da nicht zu Fendor?
  • Alleine vorpreschen. *räusper* Don, da war doch etwas das ich Dir immer schon sagen wollte...
  • Manövrierraum versperren.


Dienstag, Juni 13, 2006

The Battle of Three Arms

Hello again!

After having brought back the bandit prisoners inn the village, imprisoning them in the cellar of the village elder, Don, Fendor, Llewellyn and Marvin sought the help of a local healer. The wonders of magical healing are really easing the lives of warriors. But usually there's at least a monetary fee, if not more, involved. Of course it also depends on the skill of the healer. Some can only tend successfully to minor wounds.

With help from nature's apothecary the local druid was able to lessen some of the damage inflicted on Llewellyn's leg. It was much better, but still he was not able to use it properly. The druid stated that it probably would take a week or so to really heal over as he examined it a couple of hours after having tended earlier to it.

Asking around in the local tavern the party got hints that a traveling healer took off towards the border early today. After a short discussion we decided to saddle our horses and pursue that Fendwick as he was one of the best ways to ensure that I, Llewellyn, would be rather using my left leg earlier than later. Following the road and the tracks of Fendwick's wagon was pretty easy. Don and Fendor both can read tracks left by others good enough that they stated that we were gaining ground on Fendwick.

We were rather surprised to find the wagon abandoned on the road. Neither of his horse nor of Fendwick was there more to be found than tracks in the earth. We found the place where the horse changed it's gait into a much faster one. We similarly found a place not far from the position of the wagon where blood was found on the ground. That coincided, like Fendor pointed out, with some tracks which could only be explained by the horse staggering as it ran. Not far away from that the horse must have fallen. Further tracks suggested that Fendwick's ambushers took something heavy with them, most likely Fendwick, and dragged something huge and bleeding along. Intelligent deduction let's us propose here the horse as the object of the bandits efforts.

The tracks led directly into the swamp! Most disturbing was the fact that instead of the way the bandits took being winding and twisting, the way they took was leading straight to a widely visible landmark. Expecting to encounter a straight way in a swamp is like hoping for a snow storm during summer...

That flagpost with a curiously dirty grey-green sign on it had catched our eye on our previous visit at the old fort. Don and Fendor were reading the tracks on the ground from time to time, it seemed we neither lost nor gained ground on the bandits. They had a head start of a couple of hours on us. But if their target was the fort we would catch up with them there. At least that was our intention. Leaving our horses outside the fort we sneaked into it and surprisingly were able to free Fendwick in one of the upper rooms. He was not guarded, just bound and gagged in a room. We freed him and as the dusk approached decided to head back to the village. Fendwick was both very grateful for being freed and pissed at the bandits for them abducting him, as well as for the loss of some enchanted items they took away before locking him in the trophy room on the ground floor of the fort.

The information Fendwick gave us indicated that he was abducted on purpose by the bandits who were seemingly in need of another healer, their principal healer was fed up with his current duties as a healer, or rather, him being a higher ranking follower of the cult directing the bandits, had other more important duties. How they would have persuaded Fendwick to join them was a mystery both to Fendwick and to us. Maybe some charms would be involved, those weaving spells can achieve great success with these. But usually and volunteer mind is better suited for spell casting as both Fendwick and my own humble experience with the magic realm stated.

So there must have been an informant in the village forwarding the information of Fendwicks arrival to the bandit leaders in the fort. We wonder if that information source was someone passing through or someone with at least a semi-permanent residence in the hamlet?

As Fendwick lost his most prized possessions and was eager to get them back he reinforced our party of four to a complement of five now. We agreed to share any spoils of battle equally, loot and plunder being such a base word. In the end much will have to be returned to the rightful owners anyway, but lacking substantial official funding we have to finance the undertaking somehow.

Anyway, Fendwick was able to get some equipment for services rendered in the village. If there is still an active information source for the bandits on hand, then they will learn that we are responsible for Fendwick's rescue. I wonder what we can do about it. Hmm.

With Llewellyn's leg restored to full functionality by Fendwick's magical skills the party took once again off toward the fort. That was the third time we approached it now. It still did not feel like routine. This time we left our horses behind, the fate Fendwick's horse endured being a reminder for us not to waste our resources. The shortcut past the strange flagpole led us quickly to the fort ruins. Instead of the four hours or so we needed the first time, we were there in an hour or so, measured from the beginning of the swamp.

There we again. We entered the entrance hall of the fort unopposed and were about to scramble down the stairs leading down in a room adjacent to it when one of us noticed voices coming from the room where we had defeated some human bandits two days before. The voices were different now, the unmistakable guttural grunts only the foul orcish folk liked to utter could be heard faintly through the closed door.

We prepared ourselves for a new engagement. Llewellyn handed his cocked crossbow to Fendwick who had stated before that he actually was proficient with that kind of war implement. He was to guard the rear of the party and intercept any bandits which wanted to escape or get reinforcements. The group approached the door slowly and arrayed themselves in a semicircle. Fednor opened the door while Llewellyn was ideally positioned to look into he room should that happen. His shield was raised so that any blow or tempted shot could be foiled. Marvin and Don stand ready to rush forward after both Llewellyn and Fendor.

The door is opened by Fendor and Llewellyn sees some orcs in the room. The furniture has been piled in the far corner, so this time there are not that many obstacles in the way. The abrupt opening of the door alerts some of the orcs and so the surprise is not total for those in the room. Llewellyn storms into the room and slams running with his shield into the orc nearest the door, sending the orc staggering back and falling to the floor while stopping Llewellyn's advance. A moment later Fendor storms into the room, followed shortly by Marvin and Don.

There are some seven orcs in the room, half of which are equipped in cloth armor and the other half has hard leather protection. Some are equipped with javelins and spears, others wield light clubs and the obvious leader actually has a broadsword as his armament. Roughly half if the orcs has small shields ( those with the clubs ) and the leader has a medium shield.

The blow exchange is pretty one sided, the orcs not being able to penetrate the defenses of the party members effectively, the only one suffering a mild bruise is Don who is smacked by a swung light club squarely in the chest at one moment, but his chain armor absorbs most of the impact and the pain angers him more than actually hindering him in his actions.

To an outside observer one thing to note was that Llewellyn at one time dropped his battle axe as the number of foes he was facing forced him to reconsider tactics and opt for a weapon with some better defensive capabilities. He drew his broadsword, not as fierce a weapon as the axe, but being balanced it allows for better defense when used to parry the opponents blows. Using a similar technique with the axe is less effective as this usually means forfeiting many attacks with it. Having changed his weapons one of the next blows at one of the unfortunate orcs landed so poorly that the broadsword was actually wrested from Llewellyn's grip. So he had to draw another weapon, the third Weapon! This time Llewellyn drew a hatchet from his belt, this weapon being light enough to be similarly effective offensively as well as defensively. The damage inflicted by the hatchet is usually slightly lower than what can be dealt to a foe with a broadsword, but enough for the purpose of defeating the orcs.

The engagement was over pretty fast and Fendwick could only congratulate the other four on their skill. Llewellyn knew that they had been lucky, and that only next time they should actually be even more careful as luck might run out sometime. Especially since there were rumors that an man eating ogre was among the bandits. And these are truly impressive foes, not so much their intellect but sheer size and strength are what makes them hard to overcome.

Thus ended The Battle of Three Arms.
Time will tell what happens next.


Montag, Juni 12, 2006

In need of a Crutch

Fendor, Llewellyn and Marvin had successfully catched up with Don. While slowly moving the stairs up towards the fort's entrance hall, they noticed voices coming from the room.

Someone was asking if the blood-trail might be actually from the snake or from one of its victims? The voice was replied to by another, slightly subdued and fearful one, and addressed another person which did not yet reply to it. So there were at least three people audible with an unknown amount of yet unheard people. We decided to carefully sneak forward into the room and to attack them if they were not too many.

Unopposed we crept into the entrance hall of the fort, again setting our feet into that building. As we approached the corridor some dozen steps from the entrance door, we could make out two figures, one of them standing with his back to us, the other looking at the floor and the blood trail, which we knew was a pointed tribute to Fendor's spearfighting skills. After maybe two or three additional steps we decided to rush them. Our heavy footsteps alerted them but it was too late for our victims to offer more than a token defense.

They were three. One man equipped with a crossbow and a club and protected by a cloth quilt. Another one equipped with a small shield and a light club and also protected by a cloth quilt. And finally the best equipped foe, with a small shield, a real broadsword and with his body protected by hard leather armor. Fortunately these were all the foes which were arrayed against us at that time.

After a flurry of axe blows, spear thrusts and sword swings they were vanquished. One looked particularly bad afterward and we think he expired more or less in place. The man with the crossbow had a nasty spear wound but was still conscious and their leader had a leg wound preventing effective flight or fight.

We bound them and investigated the ground level of the fort. Most rooms were deserted and bereft of any interesting items. One room in the left wing of the fort was locked and, according to one of the bandits taken prisoner behind it was actually a rather large giant lizard. With a head similar to that of one of the trophies in an adjacent trophy room. But bigger. That discouraged us from opening the door. We were here to get some information on the bandits hounding the area after all. We had two prisoners and could have gone back to the village.

But we felt a little adventurous. And so we decided to search for some more foes to vanquish before we were ready to head back out of the swamp to more civilized areas.

We haven't investigated one particular door in the entrance hall yet, having concentrated on the corridors to the right and left hand before. One stairway up in the entrance hall was collapsed and impassable, a stairway leading down lay in darkness and was marked for later exploration. Before we actually could go back to the door which was next on our list someone called for our prisoners to make themselves audible. As they were bound and gagged they could not of course respond, but to distract the new bandits while in search for their comrades Llewellyn decided to respond, and miraculously he succeeded in lowering the bandits alertness.

Llewellyn and the others were down the left corridor at the time and one new bandit was coming out of the yet unchecked door in the entrance hall. Llewellyn took aim with his yet again cocked and loaded crossbow soon enough that the bandit coming into his view in the centre of the entrance hall had no time to react other than widening his eyes in fear.

Llewellyn released the crossbow bolt aimed in the direction of the bandit. The bolt stuck true, impaling the bandit slightly below the left shoulder. The pain let the bandit cry out, but it overcame him quickly and he collapsed onto the floor passing out. The bandits in the room behind the slightly open door were no doubt alerted by that sound and so we abandoned any pretense at subtlety and quietness and stormed forward toward the door brandishing our weapons and shields. Don and Llewellyn were slower than both Marvin and Fendor. You can attribute that to the heavier equipment of both Don and Llewellyn. Marvin and Fendor stormed into the room only to find themselves outnumbered by seven bandits.

Luckily most bandits were not yet fully battle ready and so at the time when Don and then finally Llewellyn stormed the room both Marvin and Fendor were still advancing, albeit more carefully, having already felled one foe and being directly engaged by three more. The last three bandits were not yet in direct weapon striking range but were advancing then. It was good that Don and Llewellyn took care of them, otherwise the outlook of Marvin and Fendor for the outcome of the engagement might have been bleak.

As in the engagement with the three bandits before the bandits now had a rather light mixture of weapons. Most had only light leather or cloth armor, namely 4 of the bandits. Two bandits were clad in hard leather breastplates and one bandit, looking the leader here, had a chain armor and medium shield. Most had spears or clubs as weapons, two had crossbows but these were not yet ready and so their users had to rely on their light clubs instead, greatly reducing their own effectiveness.

The engagement was the usual mess, rather hard to overview. The exchange of blows and thrusts was fast and fierce. Stools and Tables were obstructing the movement of both parties. Lucky for us the bandits were located on the long side of the stick. The only change in that picture was the bandit leader. Don had fallen over an overturned stool as he advanced on one of the ordinary bandits behind which their leader was positioned, shouting some commands trying to bring a semblance of order on the bandits side into the mess of the fight.

Llewellyn positioned himself so that the bandits had to pass him before they could strike at Don, who was meanwhile coming to his feet. One bandit thrust his spear at Llewellyn but he deflected it easily with his shield. Llewellyn feinted with his axe at the bandit leader trying to open the others defenses while not wasting a blow. The leader responded by striking at Llewellyn, but again was thwarted by a skilled shield block. As the first feint seemed not to have worked well, Llewellyn was not seeing the stance he had hoped for in the bandit leader, Llewellyn tried another feint, this time it worked better, and the defenses of the bandit leader were slightly down in one place. In the meantime all other bandits were down on the ground, having been defeated by Fendor and Marvin. Just as Llewellyn was about to exploit that gap the return swing of the bandit leader came in at a surprising angle and the shield defense Llewellyn used was a fraction of a second late. The broadsword dug a deep wound in Llewellyn's calf, which, besides being painful, also let him loose his footing. Luckily for Llewellyn Fendor and Marvin as well as Don were bereft of foes and converged on the bandit leader from three directions, so that he could not exploit Llewellyn's fall and failed in his attempts to defend three blows at once.

The fall of the bandit leader marks the culmination of the engagement as well as being also it's end. All bandits in the room had lost consciousness and were not fit to be taken along. Fendor bound Llewellyn's calf and stopped him from bleeding that way. Llewellyn took one of the bandit's spears as a makeshift crutch and was able to hobble towards the village together with his three comrades and the two bandits they had taken captive earlier. But that happened with clenched teeth and with some heavy duty cursing.

But we had two prisoners and some information on the bandits which we would be sending to the authorities in the capital. We had accomplished part of our mission.

And Llewellyn was in search for a replacement to that spear, he was In need of a crutch...
